上次那篇原本要附上這個的,不過當時還沒找到。 AMICI SERALE 25\02\09 parte 19
三位分別為 Luca Napolitano 、 Alice Bellagamba 與 Mario Nunziante。 Luca Napolitano 的特殊才藝是吹薩克斯風 = =+。 第一首歌是 Europe 唱的 "The final countdown",第二首跟第三首就是 "terra promessa" 與 "Notte prima degli esami"。
這位 Mario Nunziante 應該過不久後就被淘汰了。因為我之前看的決賽裡頭沒有他。
開場那些人好可憐喔,要賣肉賣成這樣,不會冷嗎?這影片中間有段是在介紹 Marco Carta 的 Amici 經歷。而且參加這個比賽的人都要會跳舞,不然開場就窘了。
真的難以忘記當時看到的那段文字: obtaining an award of 300,000 euros
Decima prova, Musical: per i Bianchi "Notte prima degli esami", i ragazzi recitano e cantano "Un terra promessa", "The final countdown", e il brano di Venditti che dà il titolo al film, con Luca al sax; a Marconi sono piaciuti Mario e poi Luca, Alice un pò meno.
雖然它上面是這樣寫,不過第一首是 terra promessa ,第二首才是 Notte prima degli esami。
我找到的版本,沒有任何一個是寫 "Un" Terra Promessa。
我會剛好發現 Terra Proessa 是我找了很久的那首歌,因為它就是 Eros Ramazzotti 所唱的。
我是因為找 Cher 的歌,不小心找到她跟 Eros 一起唱的 Più Che Puoi。而因為覺得這首歌好聽,才去找 Eros Ramazzotti 的歌。
因為聽到了那首歌發現歌名叫做 Terra Promessa ,才能夠藉由 "Terra Promessa"、"Luca Napolitano"、"Amici" 這幾個關鍵字找到那篇網誌,解決了我心頭疑惑很久的問題。
Ramazzotti's first single "Ad un amico" (To a Friend) appeared in 1982 which, however, was not successful. Soon after Eros met his mentor Renato Brioschi, who helped the young artist find his first success as in 1984 he took part at highly-regarded Sanremo Festival with his song "Terra promessa" (Promised Land), winning the competition for the category "Newcomers". The song was then released Europe-wide.
In 1985, once again Ramazzotti took part at the Sanremo Festival with his "Una storia importante" (An Important Story), a song from his debut album Cuori agitati (Troubled Hearts), which reached the number six place at the festival. The single "Una storia importante" became a huge hit in many European countries including France where it sold a million units alone. His second album Nuovi eroi (New Heroes) was released in 1986. And for the third time in a row, Ramazzotti ended up at Sanremo Festival where he performed one of his most memorable singles, "Adesso tu" (Now You) from Nuovi eroi, which Ramazzotti won the overall competition with.
In 2007 participates in the Talent Show Amici di Maria De Filippi, in the singer's category. On 16 April 2008 conquerors the victory with the 75% of the public preferences, obtaining an award of 300,000 euros, and a contract with Warner Music Italy.
我最近都致力於將資料放到網路上,這樣換電腦的時候可以很快就搞定該轉移的東西。像是我之前有找到的那些 Music Video ,我現在也在刪那些東西,還有那些影集。而且像我這樣把東西弄弄到 iGoogle 與 Google Reader 後,就算出門在外,只要登入自己的 Google 帳號後,所有東西都在網路上可以直接存取了。
如果我是用 Google 出的 Chrome 作為主力瀏覽器的話,裡面的那個「同步書籤功能」可是比我現在用的這種還要變態 XDD。他那個可以自動得把你的書籤(IE 裡稱為"我的最愛")同步到網路上,換台電腦後只要登入自己的帳號就可以把書籤下載下來。就算我用 Firefox 不能夠這樣同步,但我還是可以登入 Google Docs 去找,因為 Chrome 同步是把東西同步到 Docs 去。